Articles and Press Releases

ActCAD 2017 Maintenance Release 8.2.1071 Available


ActCAD 2017 version 8.2.1071, based on the IntelliCAD engine, is now available for ActCAD 2017 Professional and Standard, 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Along with improvements and fixes, this latest version of ActCAD 2017 also includes a new drawing creation dialog, new drawing templates, a new UNITS dialog, and new hatch patterns and linetypes. 

ActCAD 2017 users can update to the latest version using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New users can download the latest ActCAD 2017 version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area.

For more information about the IntelliCAD engine and development platform, see the IntelliCAD website

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD