Articles and Press Releases

New Release: FRAMECAD Structure Version 9.2.3


The FRAMECAD system now includes a new version of FRAMECAD Structure, based on IntelliCAD. FRAMECAD Structure 9.2.3 includes smart panels, improved K-brace export, more truss and rafter input options, enhanced FRAMECAD Revlink importing and exporting, and more.

The upgrade is available at no additional cost for existing FRAMECAD licenses.

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FRAMECAD Structure is worldwide-compliant engineering software for cold formed steel construction. It draws from CFS building codes for USA, Canada, China, Europe, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and Australia/New Zealand. 

FRAMECAD Structure is based on the IntelliCAD engine, and FRAMECAD, Ltd is a member of the ITC. To learn about how FRAMECAD benefits from collaboration with the ITC, see the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC FRAMECAD Construction