Articles and Press Releases

Updated ActCAD 2018 Versions Released


One week was all it took for ITC member ActCAD LLC to incorporate the latest IntelliCAD engine (version 8.3a) to its ActCAD 2018 product line. ActCAD 2018 (version 8.3.630) is now available for all available versions: Professional and Standard, and 64-bit and 32-bit.

ActCAD 2018 is general purpose CAD software designed for civil, mechanical, architectural, electrical, structural, interior and exterior design consultants. The updated release includes performance improvements, fixes for natively working with .dgn files, printing fixes, editing fixes, and enhancements to the new in-place multiline text editor that was released last year, including paragraph alignment, symbols, alt-codes, stacked text, numbered lists, and unnumbered lists.

For more details, see the ActCAD blog and the ActCAD features page.


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD