Articles and Press Releases

4M FineSANI Highlighted in AEC Magazine

4M JazanFineSANI

AEC Magazine describes why 4M FineSANI is the tool of choice for designing water supply and sewage systems in the new Jazan Economic City (JEC) in Saudi Arabia. 

FineSANI is integrated BIM software for sanitary design. It generates calculations directly from your drawings and then creates final drawings (plan views, panel diagrams, details) and the full case study documentation along with the bill of materials and costs.

4M is a member of the ITC and develops CAD and BIM software for architecture, engineering, and construction. To find out more about 4M's success with IntelliCAD, check out the success story and more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG 4M BIM ITC CAD

New Updates Available for FRAMECAD Structure and Revlink

FRAMECAD Structure 9.2.4

FRAMECAD® Structure 9.2.4 and FRAMECAD Revlink® 1.5.2 are available now. New features in FRAMECAD Structure include dynamic sizing for openings, point loading of girder trusses, and IFC export enhancements. FRAMECAD Revlink new features range from a new Set Panel Edge tool to label enhancements.

Get the FRAMECAD news >> 

FRAMECAD Structure is based on the IntelliCAD engine and includes IntelliCAD's BIM technology. It is worldwide-compliant engineering software for cold-formed steel construction. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from collaboration with the ITC, see the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC FRAMECAD Construction

IntelliCAD 10.1 User Guides Available for Download and Print

IntelliCAD book cover.jpgDevelopers who are taking an initial look at various CAD platforms can find it helpful to see user interfaces and what they're capable of. One option for finding out more about IntelliCAD is to take a look at the Using IntelliCAD guide available at

Using IntelliCAD describes how to use IntelliCAD to draw in 2D and 3D, view drawings, dimension entities, work with layers, insert blocks and external references, add custom programs, and everything else you expect from a CAD program.

The guides are available for a small fee. Note that if you're purchasing a printed copy, you need to purchase both Volume 1 and Volume 2 to complete the book.

  • For the IntelliCAD 10.1 Professional version, go here.
  • For the IntelliCAD 10.1 Standard version, go here.

Of course ITC members receive source files and output for the IntelliCAD user guides and other documentation as part of their ITC membership. If you're an end user looking for IntelliCAD documentation, contact the ITC member where you purchased IntelliCAD.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD Membership